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This is the Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

This is the Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

Audi did not seem right never make a pick-up is based on the all-new Q7, but this does not stop a rendering expert Theophillius Chin to realize what is in her imagination.

This sort of thing is not the first person who had the idea that, like the Audi Q7 based pick-ups that have been posted online a few years ago, it made the car with a design that has a large cabin space, this premium ute would be made by German car company.

The following pictures of the Audi Q7 Pick UP Edition

Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

Audi Q7 Car Looks Pick-up Edition

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