Several new features were added in this closet is the ability to spray water with a sensation like a massage, adjust the temperature of cold and warm water, drying, odor absorbing, warm up the area behind us. Not only that, washlet also features buttons that can play music, and a pressure regulating spray volume of water, and the toilet lid that can open and close automatically. Well, can make feel at home hanging in the toilet, !
More sophisticated, according to the article "Modern Movements in Toilet Technology", in the future the model will be added closet laboratory sensors that can measure blood sugar levels in urine, heart rate, blood pressure and fat up. Wow!
One of the producers on the other household items make a toilet seat that allows controlled via smartphone. Is Lixil Corp. who developed these toilets and provide it to the Japanese market. This toilet has been introduced since the end of last year but only went on sale in February 2013.
Toilet 'smart' can be controlled via Android apps available on smart devices. The toilet was reported sold 20% more than expected sales after its launch in February.
Besides allowing to regulate the temperature of the seat, to tap to flush and keep a 'diary' to regulate the health, the toilet is also equipped with a built-in speaker to play music downloaded on smartphones.
Users must first register positions and various settings desired and when entering the toilet room, which is on the smartphone application will adjust the settings that have been made. This toilet can count the number of times of use to provide information on the use of water and electricity bills.
Lixil said that, the toilet was developed on the development of behavior in which more and more people are bringing their smartphones to the bathroom. In Japan, the toilet is sold for 345,000 yen and 371 000 yen ($ 3.501 and $ 3.765), excluding taxes.
Hmm, you are interested in having a toilet 'smart' is?
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