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Surprisingly, one of the six wives had an affair!

Surprisingly, one of the six wives had an affair! - Beware of the man, as surveys show that now not only the husband could be cheating. Surprising results of the study showed that one of the six wives admitted to cheating on their husbands. Even during the last 20 years, the number of cheating wives increased by 40 percent. 

"Men are still more likely than women affair., But the distance is now getting closer," said Yanyi Djamba, director of the AUM Center field Demographic Research, as reported by the Daily Mail (02/07).

These results are found in national researchers Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey after doing research on women in America. 

Sociologist at Auburn University, Montgomery, assume that increasing the number of wives infidelity caused by the mandirinya women financially as well as the use of social networks that provide opportunities for cheating. While the reasons used by women for cheating is not much different than men, with one of the two women said they were unhappy in their marriage. 

Legal experts also saw an increase in divorce due to cheating wife. Meanwhile, Noel Biderman of Avid Life Media Inc. explains that the increased number of female infidelity indicate a change in culture. 

Although the number of cheating wives is still less than men, but this tends to be increased. Therefore, men should begin to be vigilant.

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