The use of weapons by civilians in the United States set forth in the Second Amendment of the US Constitution in 1971, which regulates the freedom of gun ownership that can not be contested by the state.
Consequently based Small Arms Survey 2007, the US is the country with the highest civilian gun ownership in the world, about 88.8 guns per 100 people, followed by Yemen, Switzerland, Finland and Serbia.
Actually the US has regulations governing the possession of firearms. Those who have a criminal record, bad behavior, drug addicts, mental disorder or perpetrators of domestic violence in US law unlawful possession of a firearm.
There are more than 130 thousand registered seller of firearms in the United States. Buyers through these stores have to undergo background checks are very strict.
However, there is a gap firearms sales on the internet, where thousands of traders firearms, ranging from pistols to assault rifles hawking wares.
According to the Justice Ministry, quoted by the Washington Post, in 2000 there were approximately 4,000 arms sales site. It is estimated that the numbers continue to go up until today.
Other openings are sales from hand to hand, from people who sell their weapons to the others on the internet, meet at a place and make a transaction, without any background checks.
Arms purchases over the internet this is done by the shooter in the city theaters Aurora, Colorado, in 2012 that killed 12 people and injured 70 others.
According to police reports, the shooter, James Eagan Holmes, bought more than 6,000 ammunition from the internet and the AR-15 assault rifle from a local gun shop.
"The Internet is an open market. The Internet has changed everything. You do not need to show ourselves when we buy something, so in effect," said Tom Mauser, gun control advocates in Colorado, whose son was killed in the shooting at Columbine High School, killing 12 people.
In 2011, the government of New York City to investigate undercover and managed to buy a rifle and a pistol at a gun show in 2011, although his agent has admitted that would not qualify for firearm ownership requirements.
The government of New York found that 54 percent of traders on the site, the largest arms sales in US, will sell their wares to anyone, including those that did not pass the requirements.
The investigation was conducted after the shooting incident in Tucson, Arizona that killed six people and wounded 13 others.
New York mayor at the time, Michael Bloomberg, government officials pro gun control, said the gun and the gun is very easy to obtain. He stressed, more than 400 thousand people were killed by firearms since 1968 when Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy was shot.
The debate about gun control since the 1990's continued to evolve as more and more cases of violence with a firearm.
They say that the pro-gun ownership is governed by the Constitution and required citizens to protect themselves and not directly related to the violence. While opponents presents statistics of deaths from guns.
Debate in parliament between President Barack Obama and the Democrats who want gun control against Republican pro-gun still fierce.
In 2013, following a number of cases of shootings, Obama used his executive right to tighten the sale of firearms, followed by 25 other regulations in early 2014.
However, the more stringent the Obama administration to suppress the sale of weapons, instead it increases sales. In fact, in 2013 after Obama issued new regulations, the number of arms sales reached a new record surpassed the previous year, sold like hotcakes sell.
Notes gun purchase background checks by the FBI shows people who buy guns in 2013 reached more than 21 million. Texas is the highest with 1.6 million people, Kentucky is second with 1.5 million people.
Sales in the states to tighten the arms trade has increased two-fold, as in Maryland reached 136 thousand to 414 thousand and Colorado.
Who buys these guns? According to the US National Shooting Sports Foundation and NBC News, the purchase of weapons by women has increased annually based on statistical data.
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