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Five ways to start Your Own Business

Five ways to start Your Own Business  -  Sometimes, when you want to buy an item, we are not good if you have to ask parents. Pocket money is also often depleted because we are hard saving. So pengin have their own income with small business, deh. What the hell, what is needed?

See Opportunity 
Opportunity is the first thing we have to look before starting a business. How to do? We need to know what the heck, required by prospective customers. No need to go far, just look on the needs selingkungan friends, really.

Create concept 
After knowing the opportunities that exist in our environment, it's time to make the concept of business. This concept is well adapted to the age of the prospective customers. In this way, our goods will be easily accepted by consumers.

Write Capital Details 
This is the most important thing. We have to note all of the capital we need to run a business. For example, we want the food business. Not only the details of food, but also money on transportation, gas and power. This way you will avoid excessive losses.

Test Market 
Try it, upload photos to social media of our products. From here, we can see the reaction of our friends. If they like it, it means the business is ready to run. If not, maybe we need to rethink the concept that the products we sell are preferred. Let's do it!

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