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"Working Cabinet" Jokowi Officially Announced

"Working Cabinet" Jokowi Officially Announced -  Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has announced the composition of his cabinet at the State Palace yard, Sunday (10/26/2014) at 17:30 pm. Cabinet is named Cabinet Work. The announcement was made on the sixth day after Jokowi-JK inducted.

In announcing the cabinet, accompanied by Vice President JK Jokowi, First Lady Mrs. Iriana and Mufidah Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi also call and introduce the 34 ministers one by one.

Here cabinet more: 
President: Joko Widodo
Vice President: Jusuf Kalla

1. The Secretary of State: Praktino
2. The Minister for State Development Planning / Head of Bappenas: Andrinof Chaniago
3. Coordinating Minister for maritime: Indroyono Susilo
4. The Minister of Transport: Ignatius Jonan
5. The Minister of Marine and Fisheries: Susi Pudjiastuti
6. The Minister of Tourism: Arief Yahya
7. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources: Sudirman Said
8. Coordinating Minister for Politics: Tejo Edy Purdijatno
9. Interior Minister: Tjahjo Kumolo
10. Secretary of State: Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi
11. Secretary of Defense: Ryamizard Ryacudu
12. Minister of Law and Human Rights: Yasonna H Laoly
13. Minister of Communications and Information Technology: Rudiantara
14. Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform: yuddy Chrisnandi
15. Coordinating Minister for the Economy: Sofyan Djalil
16. Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro
17. Minister of SOE: Rini M Soemarno
18. Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs: Anak Agung Gde Ngurah Puspayoga
19. Minister of Industry: M Saleh Husin
20. Minister of Trade: Rachmat Gobel
21. Minister of Agriculture: Amran Sulaiman
22. Minister of Labour: Hanif Dhakiri
23. Minister of Public Works and Housing: Basuki Hadi Muljono
24. Ministry of Environment and Forestry: Siti Nurbaya
25. Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of National Land Agency: Ferry Mursyidan Baldan
26. Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture: Puan Maharani
27. Minister of Religion: Lukman Hakim Saifuddin
28. Minister of Health: Nila F Moeloek
29. Minister of Social Affairs: Khofifah Indar Parawansa
30. Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection: Joanna Yambise
31. Minister of Culture and Education of Primary and Secondary: Anies Baswedan
32. Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education: M Nasir
33. Minister of Youth and Sports: Imam Nahrawi
34. Minister of Rural and Regional Development of Disadvantaged and Transmigration: Marwan Jafar

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