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Free visa passport whole world that only owned by the Minister Coordinator maritime

Free visa passport whole world that only owned by the Minister Coordinator maritime

The atmosphere in the residence of the Coordinating Minister maritime Indroyono Susilo at Jalan Panglima Polim, South Jakarta, Wednesday (10/29/2014), has been busy since this morning.

However, that interest is a red passport book carried Indroyono in between interviews with reporters. Unlike books generally green passport, diplomatic passport black, blue or passport office, the passport he was carrying red-blood.

Its passport is special. With the passport, Indroyono free to visit around the world without visa. From the data written, passports issued on January 2, 2013 and will be valid for 5 years. Indroyono told me, he is the only Indonesian who hold such a passport.

On the cover was written the United Nations, Nations Unies, Laissez Passer. This is one type of passport issued by the United Nations agency for official organizations under its aegis.

Indroyono is currently serving as the Director of Fisheries Resources and agroculture World Health Organization or the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), headquartered in Rome, Italy, since the beginning of 2013. In fact, he is the first Indonesian to ever sit on the UN body.

President Joko Widodo appointed as Coordinating Minister maritime Indroyono, one of the new ministry was formed in Cabinet Work 2014-2019. Ministry oversees four ministries, namely the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Transportation.

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