The snow is melting. Now what to do?
You are not familiar with the liquid, winter, then this next few hundred words that will be the most important word that you read this week.
We wish you and your family arrived safe and sound to wherever it is that you need to go.
When you're sitting here now, think back to the last time you walked on the ice. Remember how soft you have to move, how careful you are. Remember how slowly you put one foot in front of the other.
Keeping your mindset roam on their mud covered roads.
You want to drive gently. Be careful. And moves according to the conditions.
Here are some basic tips to help you navigate through the winter liquid.
Plan your trip accordingly. Please do not rush. If you are late, before you get into the car, call and tell anyone expect you to expect you late. If you do not like the sound of it, then give yourself an extra 10 minutes for every half hour of your drive.
Assume that no one knows what they are doing. Think about it. You are not used to driving in a liquid condition, and most likely share the way people who are not good.
Follow the leader, but keep your distance. You will often see a path well traveled. You will see traces of tires in front of you. Do your best to keep your tires on the road. Changing lanes in a dangerous liquid condition. Use caution.
Do you see Keep Distance Part? It takes longer to stop in a liquid condition, wet or cold. So, as you are driving in a NASCAR race is not a good idea. And actually, the last section, is good advice even in the best condition. Not NASCAR. Ever.
DO NOT use your cruise control. You need to use your pedal effectively in a liquid condition. Cruise control delete your control. So, do not use it when the roads wet, liquid or ice. And ...
Know when to Lift Your Leg Off Gas Pedal This is a good idea to lift your foot off the accelerator when you will cross a bridge or underpass approaching. The second area is prime for ice buildup. Gliding will help prevent your car from sliding out of control. But, if you find yourself in the slide.
Stay Calm You need to keep your wits about you when the road is wet, liquid or ice.
It's easy to get a false sense of security out there on the road.
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