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RAY, Robot Smart Parking

RAY, Robot Smart Parking

Dusseldorf - Prospective passengers at the Airport Dusseldorf, Germany, which is in a hurry and did not have much time to park their cars, now do not have to worry. A smart robot that functions like a valet parking attendant ready to help them quickly and accurately.

As reported by CNN on Tuesday (03/02/2015), is Serva Transport System, a parking services company, which operates the smart robot. Tangible robot forklift and named RAY, working with advanced sensor systems.

RAY, Robot Smart Parking

"The service was very attractive to visitors to the airport, especially the businessmen. Understandably, because of limited time, they often arrive (at the airport) a few minutes before the plane departed, as it requires an efficient parking," said Managing Director of the airport, Thomas Schnalke.

To get the parking attendant service robot, the consumer must make a reservation or a parking lot to be desired and is still available. Enough with existing applications on their mobile phone.

After that, the owner of a car carrying a car at the designated place and press the button commands are displayed on screen commands are in these locations. Robots will ensure the size of the car. Start of length, width, height, up to the outer parts such as automobile rearview mirror certain size.

It is intended to ensure that the distance between the car with other cars in the parking lot really fit, do not intersect. Once the size is obtained, the parking attendant robot will move the car into the parking lot owner desired.

Parking rates are quite expensive, which is 29 euros, or about Rp 417 thousand per day. However, the vehicle is guaranteed safe, and the service is fast and precise perkir.

Looking ahead, Serva Transport System, will work with several manufacturers, among others Volkswagen to develop an interactive parking system. That is, the robot with the parking attendants who parked car can communicate albeit through a computer system.

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