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Shocking Facts Behind the Use of Hand Sanitizer

Lately, all supermarkets have a lot to sell products or hand sanitizing liquid hand sanitizer. In fact, this becomes a new trend and everyone took it in their bag. Hand sanitizer seems like an easy and practical way to keep clean and disinfect in a moment, it seems no harm.

Unfortunately, there are hidden things that may negatively impact on health due to the use of hand sanitazer repeated or long-term use. And there are many people who are not yet aware of it.

Below, we will explain some of the facts behind the products that we often use in our daily life, because it is related to health and we must be cautious.


Triclosan is an anti-bacterial chemical that is commonly added to soaps and cleaning products daily, especially in the hand sanitizer. Surprisingly, it was also found in clothes, food supplies, and toys perabitan, in an attempt to suppress the bacteria.

Research on triclosan increased due to questions about the potential danger to human health. Triclosan has been shown to interfere with regulatory hormones, interfere with the function of the immune system, and contribute to the development of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

The use of triclosan contributes to the epidemic of antibiotic resistance. This happens when the bacteria are regularly exposed to antibacterial agents, bacteria adapt and grow stronger, more resilient and more resistant.


Paraben is not the name of the substance, but the class of synthetic preservatives that are added to products to extend the life or shelf life. They are used not only in cosmetic products, but also in food, detergents, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, and others.

Common parabens in cosmetics is butylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben, isobutylparaben, and isopropylparaben. Because it is cheap and effective, parabens are widely used by cosmetic manufacturers both large and small.

Parabens are found in many personal care products such as shampoos, conditioners, soaps, hand sanitizers, and lotions for the purpose of discouraging the growth of microbes.

If you look at the labels of personal care products, you will see one or more of these names: ethylparaben, butylparaben, methylparaben propyl paraben. Unfortunately, parabens associated with endocrine disorders, skin irritation, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity and cancer.

Paraben also mimic estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors on cells, and they increase the expression of genes regulated by estradiol, a natural form of estrogen. Because parabens are used to kill microbes in water-based products, they are inherently toxic to cells in general.

Chemically synthesized artificial fragrances

Most hand sanitizers have fragrance and it means that they are very likely to be full of toxic chemicals. Because fragrance is considered a 'trade secret', companies are not required to disclose what ingredients they contain.

That means they can be made from just about anything, including hundreds of dangerous chemical compounds. Artificial fragrances and chemicals have been linked to allergies, dermatitis, respiratory disorders, hormonal disorders, and potentially have negative effects on the reproductive system. As far as possible you can avoid these chemically synthesized fragrances.

From some of the above facts, you would have seen the negative effects that may result in long-term use, instead. So, what solution?

The solution is simply to use soap and water (hand washing), this method has been proven to clean your hands. Important note for you is, choose a soap product that really has got a recommendation from health experts. Especially when it has a lot of natural hand sanitizers are also emerging in the market that do not contain chemicals. Of course it's much better and safer for you and your family.

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