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Jakarta: Number one in the World Luxury Residential Index

Despite a slowdown in price growth of luxury residential, Jakarta still leads the list of Prime Global Cities Index on an annual basis in the third quarter 2014, or the period September 2013-September 2014.

Buyers of luxury apartments will be asked who his neighbor.

In the Knight Frank index of output, capital of Indonesia's outperformed 32 cities surveyed. Including Los Angeles, Tel Aviv, Dublin, and San Francisco in the top five with residential price growth of 27.3 percent per year.

"Jakarta is experiencing a sharp slowdown in house prices. In the first half of this year the price increase was only 2.5 percent. While the third quarter of 1.2 percent," said Knight Frank in a statement via e-mail to, Tuesday (11 / 11/2014).

Besides Jakarta, the other major markets that a similar fate is Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The city collapsed while due to factors such as the momentum of Ramadan that cause price growth weakens.

While Tokyo and Cape Town are the two cities with the strongest price growth of 9.2 percent and 6.3 percent. Similarly, cities in the northern United States were included in the list of ten tertaras, showed a significant increase of about 10.5 percent in one year. Unlike the case with cities in Europe that are changing only 1 percent.

Interestingly, this quarter also marked the entry of Seoul for the first time as a market with a 4.1 percent positive growth. The city continued to improve since the lowest target in 2013.

In general, the premium property prices in 33 cities leading the world in the third quarter of this year shifted only 0.2 per cent and four per cent over a period of 12 months. Moderate price growth is due to the fact that in the third quarter, for most of the world, dominated by the summer and holiday season sales activity slows so depressed prices.

In addition, there are important political and economic events such as the prospect of tightening monetary policy in the United States, preparations in the UK General Election, cooling measures in the main cities of Asia and the negative economic indicators in Europe.

However, the average price of luxury homes in the index this time higher at 36 percent, rather than the achievement in the second quarter of 2009 increased only 14 percent.

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