World Psoriasis Day
Psoriasis, the disease may still lay for us. However, the WHO data shows the prevalence rate in the world ranging from 2 percent of the population. The incidence in the US of 2 - 2.6 per cent and in Central Europe around 1.5 percent.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin. Symptoms of an infected is perceived layered silvery scales, accompanied by a thickening of redness, itching, and burning.
When the scales will arise regardless bleeding spots on the skin underneath. Extensive Forms of psoriasis can be fatal, as the extreme inflammation and peeling of the skin which can disturb the body's ability to regulate temperature and damage the barrier function of the body.
Although no definitive data on the prevalence of the disease in Indonesia, information on psoriasis is important to spread. Some stories of people with psoriasis of the site may be able to inspire Psoriasisconnect.
When psoriasis symptoms first appear, Debra (55) visited the doctor repeatedly. He dropped out there looking for the cause and treatment that will relieve the symptoms.
"There were times when I was afraid even to perform simple actions such as getting up from a chair because my skin will be stretched and tense. The pain was terrible," said Debra recalled.
Since 1970 feel the symptoms, then in 1978 he was diagnosed with psoriasis, and know what the disease attacked him. The next few decades were spent by visiting the hospital.
Doctors recommend treatments that can reduce the symptoms of pain, bleeding, and constant itching on the skin.
Other psoriasis sufferers is Regina (55). At the age of 20s psoriasisnya symptoms are mild and easily managed. When the age of 30s, patches of psoriasis on the body began to spread, itch, crack and bleed. Regina tried every treatment warmest suggested, but nothing really helped.
"You are dealing with the pain, but the bleeding is the biggest problem," he said. He can not leave the house because of shame at her people. In the end, psoriasis symptoms diidapnya since 1986 it got worse. He switched to another dermatologist to get a new prescription.
Another story comes from Richard (71). For 25 years he suffered with physical pain. Not only that, he also had to deal with social challenges as plaque psoriasis.
He tried ranging from oral medications, creams, light therapy PUVA, but the condition is getting worse. Plaques that appear starting at the head and then spreads to the elbows, knees, thighs, and buttocks. The late 1980s, plaques occupy 20 percent of his body.
Careful accompanying diseases
According to the World Health Organization, about 10 percent of people with psoriasis arthritis psiorosis. It can affect the hands, feet, wrists, ankles, neck, and lower back.
In some cases the joints will become disabled. The nails of hands and feet may be affected by the formation of crust, and tearing of the nail causing disability.
About three-quarters of patients, psoriasis develop before the age of 40 years. While about one-third appear before the age of 20 years. Other data revealed that psoriasis can also occur in children which is about 0.70 percent.
The impact of psoriasis may alter the behavior of the affected individual. This is a continuation of the social impact of psoriasis. A person will become obese, increasing the consumption of alcohol and smoking.
According to WHO relationship between psoriasis and alcoholism is caused by the psychological impact of psoriasis affected individuals.
The prevalence of psoriasis in the world, according to WHO data is about 2 percent. However, studies in developed countries reported a higher prevalence rate than the average, which is about 4.6 percent.
Still according to the WHO, there is currently no cure for psoriasis. Treatment is directed to reduce the development of signs and symptoms of the disease experienced.
Managing psiorosis not limited to the treatment of skin lesions, but also dealing with different accompanying disease (komordibitas). The health workers need to be aware of the condition komordibitas to ensure early detection.
Patients with severe psoriasis should get proper cardiovascular examination. Ensuring a healthy diet and appropriate physical activity. Including weight gain is an important element of treatment, as shown in a recent study.
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