Hong Kong - rssberita.com In Hong Kong, the parking lot becomes an important property assets. To have a private parking lot, can cost more than USD 6 billion.
Buyers willing to pay a high price for the sake of a private parking lot, so the price continues to rise in recent months. The price of the parking lot is even more expensive than the luxury cars parked.
May 2014 ago, the parking lot in a residential prices in Hong Kong 4.24 million Hong Kong dollars (USD $ 547 thousand), or approximately USD 6.5 billion. It became the most expensive in the region.
The high price of parking space is influenced by several factors, the low supply, high demand, and speculation.
"I was surprised by the high interest in the market to purchase a parking spot. Five years ago, no one asked about the parking lot,: said KK Wong of Hong Kong City pizzeria, as reported by CNN on Monday (13/10/2014).
The majority of residence in Hong Kong is not complemented by a parking lot or garage. Even apartment luxurious and expensive also does not provide car park. As a result, the population of 7 million citizens of Hong Kong, there are only 683 thousand parking available.
The heat market parking lot since this happened a few years ago, when the government implemented a new tax to relieve the high rise in property speculation
The strategy succeeded, but some investors shift their money to invest in a parking lot that is not taxable. Parking lot owner can sell the property or rent it.
Wong said the park operates a number of investment dollars flowing into the parking lot and menyebbakan price goes up.
Even in 2012, there are buyers who dared to pay $ 640 thousand or approximately USD 7.6 billion for a parking spot.
However, since Hong Kong became the country with the lowest car ownership in the world, there are 1,000 people just 62 cars, then people can avoid the high price of this parking lot.
Even so, having a car is a necessity for the people of Hong Kong. Car ownership became a status symbol.
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